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Chapter 7: Turbulent Childho

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I knew I couldn''t retrieve my sister''s clothes, so I had to accept it.


"Sister, where are the clothes?" My younger sister looked at me, sweaty and empty-handed, as I ran back home.


I then took my two younger sisters aside and told them what had happened today, warning them to be extremely cautious of those "men" in the future.



Somehow, I grew up through all the hardships, like a blade of grass with a humble fate, managing to survive and become an □□.


As the eldest daughter in the family, I was the first to have my marriage discussed. However, my lifelong malnutrition had left me resembling a withered tree branch – thin, frail, and short. People called me skin and bones and worried that a girl as small and weak as me might be unable to bear children.


A woman''s primary purpose in this remote mountain village is to have children. Given my situation, one can imagine how unlikely it was for a girl like me to marry into a good family.


Nevertheless, no matter how undesirable a girl may be, there will always be someone to marry her.


There might always be more men than women in this world, so my father managed to arrange a marriage for me.


Bound by my parents'' orders and the matchmaker''s words, I was firmly held in the hands of fate, unable to break free and unsure of how to resist or rebel.


Later, I heard rumors that my fiance had a health problem and was suffering from an incurable disease. At sixteen or seventeen, I clenched my teeth an

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