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Chapter 7: Turbulent Childho

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d demanded my father cancel the engagement.


How could I marry someone who was so sick?


My father agreed that the marriage was a bad idea and didn''t want to ruin my life, so he promised to help me cancel the engagement with the man''s family.


On the day my father went to cancel the engagement, I was still doing business at the market as usual. Amidst the bustling crowd, a neighbor came to inform me.


"Lotus, your father has been beaten!"


"What? Who did it?" I asked angrily. Who was bullying him this time?


Our family had been constantly bullied since we were young. My father was weak, and some neighbors who were bullies often looked for trouble, trying to beat my father. I would protect him each time, fiercely fighting back against those who bullied us, desperately shielding him.


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